Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lunch on the Patio

Nice afternoon for lunch on the patio.

Great Grandma's old copper wash tub makes a great water feature.

Paxton loves to play in water.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June Gardens

 Perennial garden by the lake. Doesn't lool like much this early in the season. I've finally gotten to the point where I give lots of plants away in early spring.  As far as annuals, all that I buy are red geraniums and a few other annuals for color.  I divide my plants a lot.  I'm a "cheap" gardener!

Looking down on the patio area. 

Here you see mostly spirea bushes and hostas. 

I love these smaller hostas that border this north side bed.  Sedums behind the hostas.

The paper birch is now as tall as the stairway.  When we purchased this house 10 years ago, there was one tree in the front yard and no other landscaping!

Hosta collection in the north side bed.

 I plant almost all of my annuals in large pots or barrels.  Less watering!

My sedum collection.  These were just transplanted, so I'm sure they will look better as the growing season progresses. Sedums are the easiest perennial to grow.  Just pinch off a piece, put it into the ground, keep it watered, and you have a new plant!  I'll share more pictures as the season progresses!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

After 34 years, a change...

My goal is to write on my blog weekly.  Well, it's been three weeks but I've been kind of busy.  Friday was my last day of school, after a teaching career of 34 years.  Cleaning out my classroom was more work than I thought it would be.  Bob and the girls had a little retirement party at the house with family friends and co-workers.  Lots of good food and consversation.

The double chocolate cake was delicious.

Here's to the next 34 years!